While Covid shuttered our own onsite programs,
our collaboration with larger historic and educational institutions
led to enriched events focused on  individual interests of our Patron Members
 We missed the ‘neighborliness’ of seeing you at events but we were so grateful
to have a way to say thank you via our collaborative organizations' making
these unusual Seasons of Access possible.
A Lesson Learned

While closed as the Covid Pandemic raged,

we had not anticipated still being unable to reopen in 2023. 
But years with no onsite events,
meant no preventative maintenance was performed
Deferred maintenance on our patios' historic tiles
had created conditions rendering us uninsurable for events

La Senora drew upon our community to find funds and experts

to explain how to repair and protect
the historic patios at the heart of the Hacienda.

 2023 Accomplishments

 La Senora received a challenge grant

to complete the deferred maintenance on the historic patio tiles.
The challenge was met, the experts were identified,
the methods refined and the tiles protected,
We can reopen the gardens for our 2024 Education Season
Our gratitude goes to 
The Aronson Foundation for its Challenge Grant financial support
Cristi Walden, Diana Mausser, Native Tile, Brian Kaiser, Amy Green, 
Silverlake Conservation, Tile Heritage Foundation & California Preservation Foundation
for their expert advice and counsel
and to
Miguel Landa for his unstinting work repairing the fragile tiles